Journal of International Oncology ›› 2013, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 249-251.

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The  MCM2 and cancers

WANG  Zhi-Hui, SHENG  Xiu-Jie   

  1. Gynecology Department, Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, Guangzhou 510150, China

  • Online:2013-04-08 Published:2013-03-27

Abstract: Minichromosome maintenance proteins(MCMs) are the primary control factors for eukaryotes DNA replication. MCMs play important roles in the starting place and the extending process of DNA replication.MCM2, one member of MCMs, expresses little in stationary phase while highly in proliferative and transformational phase. MCM2 can accurately reflect the cell proliferation activity and is considered as a specific maker for carcinoma and precancerous lesions.The overexpression of MCM2 is closely correlated with the genesis and development of tuomors, and it maybe a good maker for early screening and prognosis assessment in many cancers and used in clinical.

Key words: Neoplasms, Tumor markers, biological, Minichromosome maintenance protein-2