Journal of International Oncology ›› 2013, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (3): 174-176.

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Advances of PRDM genes and DNA methylation in cancer

TAN  Yong-Li, TAN  Shuang-Xiang, HU  Rui-Cheng   

  1. TAN Yong-li, TAN Shuang-xiang, HU Rui-cheng. Postgraduate School, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China

  • Online:2013-03-08 Published:2013-02-25
  • Contact: HU Rui-cheng, E-mail:

Abstract: PRDI-BF1 and RIZ homology domain containing proteins (PRDM) play a key role in cell differentiation and proliferation. Most members of the PRDM gene family are  tumor suppressor genes which involved in tumorigenesis and abnormal expression in a variety of tumors. Aberrant DNA methylation often silences these genes, which may occur in the early stage of tumor. Cancer can be reversed by demethylation, which provides a new way for cancer treatment.

Key words:  DNA methylation, Genes, tumor suppressor, Neoplasms, PRDM genes