国际肿瘤学杂志 ›› 2016, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 130-.

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陈志达, 曾文容, 林斌, 吴欣宇, 吴进   

  1. 厦门大学附属东南医院骨科 全军骨科中心
  • 出版日期:2016-02-08 发布日期:2015-12-28

Voltagegated potassium channel Kv1.5 and cancer

CHEN  Zhi-Da, ZENG  Wen-Rong, LIN  Bin, WU  Xin-Yu, WU  Jin   

  1. epartment of Orthopaedics, Affiliated Southeast Hospital of Xiamen University, Orthopaedic Center of People′s Liberation Army, Zhangzhou 363000, China
  • Online:2016-02-08 Published:2015-12-28

摘要: 电压门控钾离子通道Kv1.5广泛表达于多种类型肿瘤并参与肿瘤细胞增殖、凋亡、周期等过程。某些抗肿瘤药物可通过影响Kv1.5通道的表达进而影响肿瘤的生物进程。Kv1.5通道是肿瘤治疗的新靶点,研究Kv1.5通道可以进一步了解肿瘤细胞发生、发展的机制,并有助于研制出新的抗肿瘤药物,为肿瘤治疗提供新的更好的方法。

关键词: 肿瘤, 抗肿瘤药, Kv1.5钾通道

Abstract: The voltagegated potassium channels Kv1.5 is widely expressed in the plasma membranes of numerous tumor cells and it can contribute to a variety of cellular functions such as proliferation, apoptosis, and cell cycle. Several types of antineoplastic drugs can change the expression of Kv1.5 and then affect the biological processes. Kv1.5 is identified as a novel target for therapy in human cancer. The researches of Kv1.5 will contribute to gain a further understanding of the molecular mechanism of tumor and provide therapeutic opportunity for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Key words: Neoplasms, Antineoplastic agents, Kv1.5 potassium channels