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    29 October 2014, Volume 41 Issue 10 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Roles of ADAM17 in tumor metastasis and its molecular mechanism
    CAO Jun, LING Zhi-Qiang, GE Ming-Hua
    2014, 41 (10):  721-724.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.001
    Abstract ( 382 )   PDF (940KB) ( 1301 )   Save
    As an important member of the adisintegrin and metalloproteinase(ADAM) superfamily, ADAM17 can mediate a variety of membrane molecular hydrolysis off, such as adhesion molecules, cytokines, growth factors, etc, and play an important role in regulating tumor cell adhesion, apoptosis, metastasis and proliferation through the EGFRPI3KAkt pathway, Notch signaling pathway and other signaling pathways. The research of ADAM17 targeted drugs provides a new direction for cancer therapy.
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    Chemokine CCL18 and tumor
    JIANG Xiao, XIA Juan, CHENG Bin
    2014, 41 (10):  724-726.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-422X.2014.10.002
    Abstract ( 1204 )   PDF (678KB) ( 11662 )   Save
    Chemokine CCL18 plays significant roles in immune regulation by recruiting of inflammatory cells, which involves in immune and inflammatory processes. CCL18 protein is overexpressed in the serum of patients with cancer and some tumor tissues. However, it is still controversial that CCL18 plays the role of tumor promoter or tumor suppressor. Researches on the roles and mechanisms of CCL18 can provide new target for diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
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    Chemokine and cancer
    QU Xiao-Xiao, HAN Ke-Qi
    2014, 41 (10):  727-730.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-422X.2014.10.003
    Abstract ( 739 )   PDF (686KB) ( 1649 )   Save
    Chemokines have corresponding expressions in different tumor growth, metastasis or inhibition, and it may become an important standard of diagnosis and marker of prognosis for tumor in the future. Application of chemokine is especially important for the evaluation of tumor in clinical. By means of the studies of different expressions of chemokines in various tumors, it will be more in-depth understanding of tumors in micro-fields. Combined with clinical, the appropriate methods and means on targeted treatment can be taken for diffrent tumors.
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    DNA polymerase iota and cancer
    SUN Hao-Yao, ZHOU Jun-Dong, MENG Xing-Jun, LI Xiao-Qing, YU Jian, WU Jin-Chang
    2014, 41 (10):  731-733.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-422X.2014.10.004
    Abstract ( 430 )   PDF (678KB) ( 1297 )   Save
    DNA polymerase iota (Polι), as well as Rev1, Polκ and Polη, are all Y family DNA polymerases, which are able to replicate damaged DNA via translesion synthesis pathway. However, Polι has the lowest fidelity among all DNA polymerases in both correct and inaccurate DNA templates. Also Polι can bypass certain DNA damages and accumulate mutations. Recent studies show that the aberrant expression of Polι is observed in human uveal melanoma, breast cancer, bladder cancer, lung cancer and esophageal cancer, which may contribute to the tumorigenesis and progression of tumor. The special role of Polι in replicating damaged DNA may contribute to the resistance in oncotherapy.
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    LASS family and tumor
    XIONG Tao, WANG Hai-Feng, WANG Jian-Song
    2014, 41 (10):  734-736.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.005
    Abstract ( 293 )   PDF (679KB) ( 1362 )   Save
    LASS gene family is a group of highly conserved and longevous gene LASS protein has a ceramide synthase activity, which can synthesize different types of ceramides. Ceramide is a key intermediate in tumor cells growth, signal transduction and other aspects. Thus it is inferred that the expression of LASS gene can suppress the occurrence and development of tumor within a certain range.
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    Anticancer mechanism of salinomycin
    LU Ying, MA Wei, MAO Jun, LI Lian-Hong
    2014, 41 (10):  737-740.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.006
    Abstract ( 510 )   PDF (686KB) ( 1521 )   Save
    Salinomycin is a chemotherapeutic drug commonly used to inhibit the growth of tumor and specifically kill the cancer stem cells (CSC). The anticancer effect of salinomycin has attracted extensive attention at home and abroad, whihc is realized by inducing cancer cell apoptosis, suppressing cancer cell proliferation and invasion and reducing drug resistance.
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    Resistant mechanism about rapamycin and solution
    CHEN Ke-Jun, LYU Shu-Qing
    2014, 41 (10):  740-743.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.007
    Abstract ( 527 )   PDF (688KB) ( 1581 )   Save
    mTOR signaling pathway is closely related to cell proliferation, cell cycle and other pathological processes about tumor. Rapamycin plays an antitumor     effect through inhibiting mTOR, but it prone to drug resistance, which leads to limited clinical application. Its resistant mechanism is related with the activation of PI3KAkt, which is regulated with negative feedback. Dual inhibitors of related proteins of mTOR pathway  are expected to reverse the drug resistance.
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    Application of tumor markers in clinical medicine
    LI Yu-Quan, WANG Xiu, JIN Gang, WANG Chun
    2014, 41 (10):  744-746.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.008
    Abstract ( 369 )   PDF (676KB) ( 1332 )   Save
    Detection of serum tumor markers in clinical application is simple, which has become an indispensable means in clinical medical work,and played an important role in the early detection of malignant tumor, benign and malignant tumor differential diagnosis, guiding the stage and predicting prognosis. But because of its sensitivity and specificity have limitations, we should find more new markers.
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    Research progress of mechanism of tumor radioresistance
    LIU Shan, JIANG Yong-Xin, XIONG Wei, FU Feng-Lian
    2014, 41 (10):  747-749.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.009
    Abstract ( 929 )   PDF (675KB) ( 2118 )   Save
    Tumor radioresistance is the leading cause of clinical radiotherapy failure and disease progression. Researches show that the occurrence of radioresistance is related to the cell cycle arrest, relevant gene change, tumor microenvironment change, autophagy, tumor stem cells and other factors. Studying the mechanism of radioresistance and looking for an effective method to avoid it is the key to improve the effect of radiotherapy, which can provide the probability of the prognosis of radiosensitivity.
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    miR21 and head and neck carcinoma
    JIANG Lie-Hao, GE Ming-Hua, LING Zhi-Qiang
    2014, 41 (10):  750-753.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.010
    Abstract ( 274 )   PDF (687KB) ( 1229 )   Save
    In recent years, the abnormal expression of microRNA21 (miR21) in head and neck carcinoma have been found in many studies, which may be closely related to the genesis and development of thyroid carcinoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, laryngocarcinoma and oral carcinoma, etc. MiR21 may also be valuable for the clinical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of head and neck carcinoma.
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    miR21 and head and neck carcinoma
    MA Ping, JIN Wu-Long
    2014, 41 (10):  753-756.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.011
    Abstract ( 342 )   PDF (680KB) ( 1410 )   Save
    In recent years, the abnormal expression of microRNA21 (miR21) in head and neck carcinoma have been found in many studies, which may be closely related to the genesis and development of thyroid carcinoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, laryngocarcinoma and oral carcinoma, etc. MiR21 may also be valuable for the clinical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of head and neck carcinoma.
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    Current status and advances of radiotherapy for limited-disease small cell lung cancer 
    HAN Dan, LI Bao-Sheng
    2014, 41 (10):  757-760.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-422X.2014.10.012
    Abstract ( 570 )   PDF (687KB) ( 1242 )   Save
    About30% ~40% ofsmallcelllungcancer(SCLC)patientsbelongtolimiteddisease (LD).Inthesettingoflimiteddiseasesmallcelllungcancer(LDSCLC),thecombinationofthoracicradio therapy(TRT)withchemotherapyisthestandardtreatmentforLDSCLCwithimprovedsurvivalandlocalcon trol.ItisproventhatprophylacticcranialirradiationcanimprovetheprognosisofpatientswithSCLC.Radio therapyshouldjoinintheearlychemotherapyandindividualizedformulateappropriatetargetvolume.Radiation schemesofconventionalfractionationorhyperfractionationwayarerecommended.
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    Her2 gene and breast cancer targeted therapy
    HUANG Ling-Xiao, YAO Wen-Xiu
    2014, 41 (10):  760-763.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.013
    Abstract ( 276 )   PDF (687KB) ( 1271 )   Save
    In recent years, with the development of tumor molecular biology technology, molecular targeted therapy has become a study hotspot, which plays a significant role on breast cancer treatment strategy. Among them, the human epidermal growth factor receptor2 (Her2) has been proven as an effective molecular target. So molecular targeted therapy of breast cancer become another important treatment except chemotherapy and endocrine therapy.
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    Research progress of liver cancer related microRNA
    XING Hui-Hui, LIU Xiao-Feng, LIU Chang-Jiang
    2014, 41 (10):  764-766.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.014
    Abstract ( 249 )   PDF (678KB) ( 1252 )   Save
    As a noncoding singlestrand small RNA, microRNA (miRNA)  plays an important role in posttranslational regulation. Its role in tumor formation has become a study hotspot. A large body of studies indicate that the abnormal expression of miRNA involves in the occurrence and development of liver cancer, which can be used for the diagnosis, therapy and prognosis evaluation of liver cancer. Indepth exploration of the molecular mechanism of miRNA and the relationship between miRNA and liver cancer could provide novel ideas and methods for the therapy and prevention of liver cancer.
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    Research progress of immunohistochemical markers related with pancreatic cancer prognosis
    ZHU Peng, LIU Hui-Ying, HU Zhi-Qian, WANG Wei-Jun
    2014, 41 (10):  767-770.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.015
    Abstract ( 207 )   PDF (689KB) ( 1323 )   Save
    Pancreatic cancer is a malignant with very poor prognosis. Although methods and technologies of diagnosis and treatment in connection with pancreatic cancer have made great progresses, the prognoses of patients with pancreatic cancer still have not a significant upgrade, which are closely related with the degree of malignancy of pancreatic cancer cells. Earlier studies have shown that normal pancreatic cells need to have a total of six capabilities, which are intimate connection with the degree of malignancy of pancreatic cancer cells, during the process of deterioration. A variety of immunohistochemical markers that correlate with prognosis of pancreatic cancer involve in the process of pancreatic cells obtaining these six capabilities.
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    Progress of new biological markers based on proteomic approaches in colon cancer
    ZHANG Jiao-Li, JIA Xiao-Fang, 吕Jian-Xin , ZHANG Li-Jun
    2014, 41 (10):  771-774.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.016
    Abstract ( 156 )   PDF (687KB) ( 1295 )   Save
    Colon cancer is the most common malignant tumor in the worldwide scale and it is one of the leading causes of cancerrelated deaths. Finding accurate and informative cancer markers will provide significant insights in diagnosis and treatment strategy of colon cancer. Proteomic technology is an important tool in cancer research. In recent years, many studies have found a great of potential biomarkers of colon cancer.
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    Relationship between gastrin and miRNA in promoting colorectal cancer cell proliferation
    YANG Guang, MAO Jia-Ding
    2014, 41 (10):  775-778.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.017
    Abstract ( 161 )   PDF (686KB) ( 1214 )   Save
    It has been demonstrated that the combination of abnomal expression of gastrin with its receptor can promote cell proliferation and inhibit apoptosis in colorectal neoplasms via signal transduction pathways, which is related with the abnormal expression of miRNA. Researches show that there are multiple intersections between the molecule mechanisms of miRNA and the signaling pathway of gastrin in promoting colorectal cancer cell proliferation. It may exist a "gastrinmiRNAtarget gene" signaling transduction pathway. Knowing the mechanism of the signaling pathway and controlling the related factors will open another avenue for the gene targeted therapy of colorectal neoplasms.
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    Expression of HLADQA1 gene polymorphism in the lung cancer patients with pneumoconiosis
    ZHAO Na, YANG Xi-Gui, CAO Dian-Feng, GAO Ping, ZHANG Bao-Ling
    2014, 41 (10):  779-781.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.018
    Abstract ( 140 )   PDF (679KB) ( 1138 )   Save
    ObjectiveTo detect the difference of the expression  of HLADQA1 genes polymorphism in the lung cancer patients with pneumoconiosis and the nonoccupational lung cancer patients. MethodsMultiple polymerase chain reactionligase detection reaction classification method (PCRLDR) was used to detect 6 alleles in HLADQA1 and the expression of HLADQA1 gene between the 21 cases of pneumoconiosis complicated with lung cancer and 40 cases of nonoccupational lung cancer respectively. The correlation between them with pneumoconiosis complicated with lung cancer was analysed. ResultsHLADQA1 0301 gene frequencies were 19% in pneumoconiosis complicated with lung cancer group and 2.5% in nonoccupational lung cancer group respectively,  with a statistically significant difference (χ2=10.022, P=0.002). There was no statistically significant difference in the other allele between the two groups. ConclusionHLADQA1 gene polymorphism may be related to the susceptibility of the pneumoconiosis complicated with lung cancer. DQA1 0301 is one of the important genes of pneumoconiosis complicated with lung cancer, which maybe the risk factor for the susceptibility of the pneumoconiosis complicated with lung cancer.
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    Expression of the DMBT1 gene in breast cancer and its clinical significance
    LI Jun, CHEN Gui-Lin
    2014, 41 (10):  782-785.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.019
    Abstract ( 209 )   PDF (775KB) ( 1216 )   Save
    ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship between mRNA   expression of DMBT1 in breast cancer tissues and clinicopathological characteristics of patients with breast cancer. Methods60 cases of breast cancer tissues, 30 cases of breast paracancerous hyperplasia tissues and 30 cases of breast paracancerous normal tissues were selected, then reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) were performed to detect the differential expression of DMBT1 in mRNA levels. Furthermore, its relationship with clinicopathological characteristics of patients with breast cancer was analyzed. Results44 out of 60 breast cancer tissues were detected no or low expression of DMBT1 (73.3%), and 16 out of 60 cases were found normal expression of DMBT1 (26.7%). There were statistically significant differences between paracancerous normal tissues and breast cancer tissues, also between paracancerous hyperplasia tissues and breast cancer tissues (χ2=11.72, P=0.000 62; χ2=15.99, P=0.000 06). No significant difference was found between the low expression of DMBT1 with the age of patients (χ2=1.733, P=0.188), the size of tumor (χ2=0.776, P=0.378) and the histological grade of tissues (χ2=1.000, P=0.316). However, the loss rates of DMBT1 mRNA expression in patients with lymph node metastasis and clinical stage Ⅲ were higher than that in patients without metastasis and clinicalⅠⅡstage (χ2=4.885, P=0.026; χ2=4.600, P=0.032). ConclusionLow expression of DMBT1 mRNA is closely associated with the metastasis and clinical stage of breast cancer.
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    Department of Clinical Laboratory, Jining First  People′s Hospital of Shandong Province, Jining 272111, China
    ZHANG Ruo-Hui, FAN Xiao-Mei, BAI Wen-Wen, LI Run-Xiao, CAO Yan-Kun, HAN Chun, CHI Zi-Feng
    2014, 41 (10):  785-788.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.020
    Abstract ( 385 )   PDF (793KB) ( 1400 )   Save
    ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship between mRNA   expression of DMBT1 in breast cancer tissues and clinicopathological characteristics of patients with breast cancer. Methods60 cases of breast cancer tissues, 30 cases of breast paracancerous hyperplasia tissues and 30 cases of breast paracancerous normal tissues were selected, then reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) were performed to detect the differential expression of DMBT1 in mRNA levels. Furthermore, its relationship with clinicopathological characteristics of patients with breast cancer was analyzed. Results44 out of 60 breast cancer tissues were detected no or low expression of DMBT1 (73.3%), and 16 out of 60 cases were found normal expression of DMBT1 (26.7%). There were statistically significant differences between paracancerous normal tissues and breast cancer tissues, also between paracancerous hyperplasia tissues and breast cancer tissues (χ2=11.72, P=0.000 62; χ2=15.99, P=0.000 06). No significant difference was found between the low expression of DMBT1 with the age of patients (χ2=1.733, P=0.188), the size of tumor (χ2=0.776, P=0.378) and the histological grade of tissues (χ2=1.000, P=0.316). However, the loss rates of DMBT1 mRNA expression in patients with lymph node metastasis and clinical stage Ⅲ were higher than that in patients without metastasis and clinicalⅠⅡstage (χ2=4.885, P=0.026; χ2=4.600, P=0.032). ConclusionLow expression of DMBT1 mRNA is closely associated with the metastasis and clinical stage of breast cancer.
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    Relationships between Notch1, DLL4, HES1 expression and angiogenesis, lymphangiogenesis of gastric carcinoma and their significances
    ZHANG Fu-Hua, HE Li-Li, ZHANG Jin-Hua, ZHUANG Jian-Bo, WU Zheng-Qi, HAN Jian, ZHANG Jian-Gang
    2014, 41 (10):  789-792.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.021
    Abstract ( 421 )   PDF (688KB) ( 1301 )   Save
    ObjectiveTo investigate the expression of Notch1, Deltalike ligand 4 (DLL4), hairy and enhancer of split1 (HES1), microvessel density (MVD), lymphatic vessel density (MLD) in gastric carcinoma, so as to discuss their roles in the development of gastric carcinoma. MethodsGastric carcinoma, paracancer tissues which was apart from the edge of cancer tissue >60 mm obtained during operation and normal gastric mucosa obtained during gastroscopy were used as controls. All specimens were made tissue microarray. The expressions of Notch1, DLL4, HES1 were detected by immunohistochemistry. Immunohistochemical double taining was used to detect MVD and MLD. The relationships between Notch1, DLL4, HES1 expression and angiogenesis, lymphangiogenesis and their significances were analyzed. ResultsThe positive rate of Notch1 in gastric carcinoma was 48.30%, significantly higher than that of paracancerous (25.00%,χ2=6.38, P<0.05) and control group (16.67%,χ2=10.18, P<0.05). The differences of the positive rate of DLL4 in gastric carcinoma (55.94%), paracancerous (45.70%) and control group (56.67%) were not significant (χ2=1.18, P>0.05; χ2=0.005, P>0.05). The differences of the positive rate of HES1 in gastric carcinoma (36.64%), paracancerous (34.40%) and control group (33.33%) were not significant (χ2=0.05, P>0.05; χ2=0.11, P>0.05). The mean of MVD in gastric carcinoma group was 28.84±14.17, which was significantly higher than that in paracancerous group (17.02 ±8.54, t=4.03, P<0.05) and control group (16.69±7.21, t=5.01, P<0.05). The mean of MLD in gastric carcinoma group was 8.55±4.98, which was significantly higher than that in paracancerous group (4.05±2.48, t=9.30, P<0.05) and control group (3.99±1.56, t=10.32, P<0.05). The expression of DLL4 was correlated with MVD (t=2.77, P<0.05), but wasn′t correlated with MLD (t=1.89, P>0.05). There were no correlations between the expression of Notch1, HES1 and tissues MVD, MLD (P>0.05). ConclusionNotch1 plays important roles in the development of gastric carcinoma. There are many angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in gastric carcinoma. The expression of DLL4 in gastric carcinoma has certain effect in the formation of microvessel.
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    Observation on the clinical efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the treatment of patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer
    ZHAO Xiao-Yan
    2014, 41 (10):  792-795.  doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.10.022
    Abstract ( 221 )   PDF (689KB) ( 1285 )   Save
    ObjectiveTo explore the clinical efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on advanced epithelial ovarian cancer. MethodsFrom May 2006 to March 2010, 60 patients with ⅢⅣ stage advanced epithelial ovarian cancer were collected in Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, which were divided into two groups based on different treatment methods. The observation group used the neoadjuvant chemotherapy, but the control group did not use it. The efficacy, operation time, blood loss, size of residual disease and the level of CA125 were observed to evaluate the safety and clinical efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. ResultsThe total effective rate in the observation group was 60.0%. The satisfied cytoreductive rate was 70.0%, which was significantly higher than the control group (χ2=5.455, P<0.05). The mean operative time (127.21±27.62) min (t=10.113, P<0.05), intraoperative mean blood loss (408.5±112.62) ml (t=5.047, P<0.05) and the level of CA125 (165.26±43.27) U/ml (t=14.100, P<0.05) in the observation group were significantly lower than the control group[189.33±45.81) min,(590.6±162.41) ml,(339.13±51.86) U/ml]. Five year survival rates of the observation group and control group were 36.7% and 26.7% respectively, with significant difference (χ2=8.492, P=0.036). ConclusionNeoadjuvant chemotherapy can play a positive role in the treatment of the patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer.
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