国际肿瘤学杂志 ›› 2014, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 273-276.doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673422X.2014.04.011

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夏晨, 庄志刚   

  1. 200040 上海,同济大学附属第一妇婴保健院乳腺外科
  • 出版日期:2014-04-08 发布日期:2014-03-17
  • 通讯作者: 庄志刚 E-mail:zhigangzhuangfmih@gmail.com
  • 基金资助:


Roles of connexin in breast cancer

 XIA  Chen, ZHUANG  Zhi-Gang   

  1. Roles of connexin in breast cancer
  • Online:2014-04-08 Published:2014-03-17
  • Contact: Zhuang Zhigang E-mail:zhigangzhuangfmih@gmail.com

摘要: 早期研究一致认为细胞间隙连接蛋白(connexin)基因是抑癌基因,在乳腺癌中起抑制肿瘤发生发展的作用,但近年研究发现在很多转移性乳腺癌中connexin表达反而升高,connexin基因可能促进乳腺癌的远处转移。故推测在乳腺癌发生发展、侵袭转移中,connexin通过多种作用机制扮演了不同的角色。在乳腺癌治疗中合理应用connexin将改善患者的疗效。

关键词: 连接蛋白类, 乳腺肿瘤, 肿瘤转移, 肿瘤治疗方案

Abstract: The previous studies identify connexin as a tumor suppressor gene, which inhibits the occurrence and development of breast cancer. However, some researches of resent years demonstrate that the expression level of connexin in a large part of metastatic breast cancer is elevated and connexin may promote breast cancer metastasis. Therefore, connexin may play different roles by different mechanisms in the occurrence, development, invasion and metastasis of breast cancer. Rational use of connexin in breast cancer treatment can be beneficial to breast cancer patients.

Key words: Connexins, Breast neoplasms, Neoplasm metastasis, Antineoplastic protocols